Web projects

Various web projects, that I designed and developed (partly as part of a team).
- Website "Freundeskreis der Stadtbibliothek Bremerhaven" (2020). Website for the Friends of the city library of Bremerhaven. Developed together with Jonas Kuske. Link to the website.
- Website "Wilke Atelier" (2020). Website for the art studio Wilke Atelier. Developed together with Jonas Kuske. Link to the website.
- Website "Expedition in die Natur" (2020). Website for the students in a nature-club of an elementary school to be able to keep learning during the Covid19-pandemic. Link to the website.
- Landing Page "Tourismuskontor" (2020). Landing Page for planning- and content office in the field of tourism. Link to the website.
- Website "Theater Förderverein Bremerhaven" (2019). Website for the society of friends of the bremerhaven city theater. Developed together with Jonas Kuske. Link to the website.
– 2019-2020